To start this off, I have to let you know first that Eric is really good at antagonizing Timo. What brother doesn't antagonize his sibling? Well, it just so happens Eric gets his antagonizing abilities from me, making it extra annoying. As a result, Timo can be quick tempered (also like me). So there's the setup. You can tell when you look at this picture that's exactly what's going on. Eric provoked Timo somehow, Timo responds by bursting some blood vessels in his head, and Eric shows a pleasure filled smart-alecky smirk because he's accomplished his goal of irritating Timo. Becka did a good job snapping the picture during such a candid time between the boys. I laughed pretty hard at this one myself.
Awesome Picture! I'm sure my sweet little nephew Eric wouldn't tease anyone. Look at him.
Your right, Eric wouldn't tease anyone...except Timo. And judging by Timo's reaction, I can't really blame him.
Not to sound like old Auntie Whatsername, but that is absolutely priceless. I hate to admit it but I was always the "Eric" in the car. My favorite thing to do was slap my own face and then whine, "Ow! Haily/Darci/Jacqui/Whoever!" and watch my dad go ballistic on them. I'm pretty sure I was the devil. You can see the rage drenched over Timo, that's amazing!
Seeing this picture today made me think of the two lead characters in, "A river runs through it." THAT'S what kind of young men you have!
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