October 17, 2009

Mikey Week Continued: The Interview

In conclusion of Mikey Week, I had an exclusive interview with Mikey so we could all learn a little more about him. During the interview Mikey was poised as he answered each question with precision.

Me: First of all Mikey, thank you for making some time for your daddy to interview you. I'll start off by asking, what is your favorite toy to play with?

Mikey: That's a great question! My favorite "toy" is not a toy at all. It's the remote to the TV. After I'm done playing with it I really enjoy hiding it so you and Mommy can't find out.

Me: And where are your favorite hiding spots for the remote?

Mikey: In the couch, behind the couch, under the sink in the bathroom, oh and sometimes in the garbage, that's the best!

Me: Hmmmm. That makes a lot more sense, I'll have to remember that. Besides the remote, what kind of actual TOY do you like?

Mikey: Well, I typically just want to play with what ever toy one of my brothers is playing with at that moment. I just try to grab it out of their hands and run. If I can't get one of their toys I look for something small to put in my mouth.

Me: Yeah I have noticed you really do like putting things in your mouth.

Mikey: Yeah, well, I'm only 17 months old, what do you expect?

Me: Good point. What are some of your hobbies besides stealing toys from your brothers?

Mikey: I absolutely love animals! When you take me for those awesome walks I really love looking for squirrels, cats, and dogs. If you recall correctly you took me to the zoo earlier today. (Me: Yeah, I vaguely remember that. It's been a long day.) Yeah, well I just had a great time. Normally when I'm riding in my stroller I get comfortable by sitting back and relaxing but today I had to sit up the whole time to get better looks at the zebras, lions, giraffes, penguins, and the monkeys...oh I love the monkeys!

Me: Oh right, I remember the monkeys. One of them threw a peanut at some guy. Well, who do you love most? Please say me!

Mikey: Ha! Nice try dad. I love you, mommy, Eric, Timo, and even Noah!

Me: Ahh, that's sweet. Okay, here's a bonus question. What is your favorite football team??

Mikey: Go Boise State Broncos!!!!!!

I tried asking him the tough questions but they just bounced off him like bullets off a tank. Here's a few more pictures of Mikey to finish Mikey Week.

These are a couple pictures left from the park the other day. He likes to take my hat, then play peek-a-boo with me while my hat is on his head.

As he mentioned in the interview, Mikey loved the zoo. He loved all the animals including this black bear.

I just liked Mikey's bright blue eyes in this picture.

That's it for Mikey Week. I had a lot of fun this week making Mikey a special sort of project. He's such a cute fun loving boy. He deserves his own week.


Becka said...

This past week was such a beautiful tribute to our littlest boy! You are so creative and funny ~ not to mention the best daddy in the whole world. (Oops, did I just mention that?)

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