I'm going to ignore any hyperbole I could easily come up with at this point and get on with the pictures.
Heisman candidate Kellen Moore throws from the pocket.
Number 23, Jeron Johnson, surveys the Vandal offense before the snap.
I gasped in fear as All-American, Kyle Wilson lied on the turf far too long after a play. It turns out he was okay. He took a shot to that one place where guys don't like getting hit. You can refer to a similar incident here.
This is my favorite picture of the bunch. Austin Pettis caught four touchdowns on the day and this is just one of his sweet grabs. Too bad that pesky goal post is in the way. One more thing. Pettis may have the best hands I've ever seen...ever. Hyperbole doesn't apply here, I mean it.
It was good times. Eric and I both screamed wildly as we braved the cold weather. I badly wanted to post a picture a nice lady took of Eric and I but I look a bit too chubby in it. Maybe next time.
Lucky! Those were dang good seats!
I especially like the picture of Hitman. He looks armed and ready to get those bad Vandals!
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