This is the new Aspen Condo building in the BoDo district. It's still under construction but almost finished. Us locals refer to this building as the new "skinny" building.
Here's some art, right in front of Hotel 43. I wish I would have taken a couple minutes to look at it a little closer so I could write something intelligent about what it means or specifically what it is. I didn't do that. It does look cool though.
This unique building is Wells Fargo. One time I had to haul about 50 computers from the top floor out to my box truck. That took a while.
This is the intersection of Front Street and Capitol Boulevard. I like these urban looking pictures.
On my way home I stopped in Meridian and I spotted some guy's new Dodge Challenger. I like the loud orange color.
I like all the same pictures you do. Further proof of the VR markings.
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