December 4, 2009

Holy Christmas Lights Batman!!

We found a cool house in North Boise that has a ridiculous amount of Christmas decorations. Our family enjoys driving around during the Christmas season to look at decorations people have worked hard to put up. It works out well since the boys love the decorations and I'm attracted to bright colors.
Anyway, I heard of a home that boasts having "around 500,000" lights. That puts the Griswold house to shame. I tried my best to take pictures. I may have had some better pictures if I hadn't forgot my dang memory card.

Click to enlarge for better clarity.

You could easily play catch in their driveway in the middle of the night. I'm hoping to go there again so I can try to get a better panoramic picture. If I do, you know I'll post it!


Jessumca said...

Wow! Look at those lights! Its amazing. I love riding around finding Christmas lights too. I've never come across something this elaborate though!

Jeremy said...

The crazy thing is, my pictures don't even come close to capturing how amazing this place is. I swear you could see this house from outer space...well, maybe not but you get the idea.

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